Our mission is to provide a refreshing, enlightening, and empowering alternative to teaching and training about sex, sexuality, and sexual assault awareness and prevention to people everywhere.
Empathetic & Inclusive
Without relying on disturbing visuals or hypothetical situations, all participants feel safer learning without judgment.
Genuinely Entertaining
Adeptly weaving comedy and interaction throughout, participants remain engaged throughout the entire experience.
Completely Customizable
Each program can be curated to fit your community’s culture and concerns.
Empowerment Oriented
By learning from the past with context and care, we can heal and improve the future.
Title IX & Campus SaVE Compliant
Teaches the standard training required by Title IX and resources available from the Campus SaVE Act.
Refreshingly Modern
Without relying on stereotypes or triggering tropes, Sex Rules reflects the nuances and ever-changing current conversation about sexual assault.
Teaching, Training, Touring
Available for various live lectures, interactive trainings, or online learning.
Military Applications
Supplements SAPR programs, assists SARCs, VAs, and supports survivors and advocates.
Bystander Intervention
Learn to recognize and intervene safely in situations that look or feel off.Consent
Understanding consent – definition, importance, and how (and why) it’s active.Boundaries
Learn how to establish and respect physical and digital boundaries.Toxic Cultural Messaging
Believing the bombardment of dangerous cultural messages can cause internal and external issues. Calling them out helps heal them.Neurological Responses to Trauma
Understanding what goes on in the brain during trauma helps change how we listen to and what we expect from those who have experienced it.Survivor Healing Tactics & Resources
Knowing about available support can make all the difference for survivors of sexual assault.FIND THE RIGHT FIT
High School
High School
Programs that focus on understanding sexuality, bodily autonomy, boundaries, peer pressure, and identifying toxic messaging.
Colleges & Universities
Colleges & Universities
Title IX and Campus SaVE compliant programs that educate on sex, sexuality, and sexual assault awareness. Concrete definitions and examples are used throughout along with a focus on understanding the relationship between substances and consent. A special emphasis is placed on available campus resources, survivor healing modalities, and advocating for self and others.
Military programs cover SAPR requirements while also assisting SARCs, VAs, and other D-SAACP advocates in their respective duties.
Academic, corporate, and community trainings teach leaders how to hold space, avoid emotional burnout, active listening and advocacy, boundaries, and understanding the neurobiology of trauma in order to help you better serve yourself, your peers, and your students.
Briana Hansen
A seasoned educator, entertainer and sexual assault survivor, Briana Hansen wanted to create an alternative to existing programs that felt smarter, more conversational, and significantly more playful than what was currently in the market. Cutting her teeth for decades in touring with her own comedy, educational presentations, and interactive leadership and communication programs, she combines all of those backgrounds in Sex Rules. Her passion for personal advocacy, healing, and empowerment are engaged to inspire participants to walk away feeling more confident, connected, and invested in themselves and their individual communities.
Have questions? Have issues? Have concerns? Have a hankering to learn more?
Schedule a call or fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.